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Heeresgruppe A T311 Roll 149
O.Qu., 0.Kdo.H.Gr. Sud, Kartenband I z. KTB Nr. 7. Twenty-five maps with locations of supply points, crossing points of the Danube, supaly depots, unit location, railroad lines. Rumania and Hungary. July 1 - Sep. 30, 1944
O.Qu., 0.Kdo.H.Gr. Sud, Kartenband II z . KTB Nr. 7. Twenty-two maps with unit and supply locations, supply for the 3rd Rumanian Army, road network for evacuation. July - Sep. 1944
O.Qu., 0.Kdo. H.Gr. Sud, Anlage 1159 z . KTB Nr . 7, Wirtschaftsverhandlungen Rumanien. Negotiations between German and Rumanian authorities regarding supply. April 22 - Aug. 13, 1944
O.Qu., 0.Kdo.H.Gr. Sud, Anlage 1158 z. KTB Nr. 7, Auffrischung 76 I.D. Equipment and supplies for this unit. Sep. 24 - Oct. 3, 1944
Ic, O. Kdo.H. Gr. A, Anlagenband. Turk-Batl. Disposition and organization of Turkestan Battalions under the German Army. Ausbildung, Betreuung. June 8 - 23, 1942
Ic, O.Kdo.H.Gr. A, Anlagenband. Turk-Legionen. Disposition, organization and supply of Turkestan Battalions under the German Army. Also Georgian, Armenian, Azerbaijan troops. July 1 - Aug. 24, 1942
Ia/F., O.Kdo. H. Gr . A, Anlngenband. Turk 1fd. Organization, disposition of Turkestan Battalions in the German Army. Uses in artisan warfare. Aug. 1942 - Jan. 1943