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Army Group Don T311 Roll 272
Группы Армий (Army Groups)

Группа армий "ДОН" (Heeresgruppe Don) - архивные немецкие документы, немецкие карты.

Heeresgruppe Don T311 Roll 272

la, Anlagenband 9 z. KTB. Orders and daily reports concerning defensive action and counterattacks
to facilitate withdrawal movement on the Don and Donets-Rostov-Asov fronts,
ground and air operations, reorganization, order of battle, reserves, march movements,
losses, coastal defense, construction of "Maulwurf" positions in the Stalino area, and
the destruction of railroad installations and tracks by H.Gr. Don, Pz.AOK 1 and 4,Armee-Abt. Fretter-Pico, and Hollidt and Luftflotte 4 units; the battle for Stalingrad
and final destruction and capture of AOK 6 on Jan 31, 1943; and enemy tactical mission,
operations, and situation. Reports on ice conditions and floods on the Don and Donets
Rivers and road conditions in H.Cr. Don sector. Also, special directives for signal
communication and commitment of artillery. Jan 30 - Feb 6, 1943.
la, Lage der Heeresgruppe Don. Maps (1:100,000) shoving daily tactical disposition of
H.Gr. Don, Pz.AOK 4, 3. and 4. Rum. AOK, Gruppe Hollidt, and Gruppe Hoth units on the
Don and Donets fronts (Voroschilovprad and Rostov areas), and the territory held by
the 6th Army encircled at Stalingrad. Nov 27 - Dec 31, 1942.
la, Lage der Heerespruppe Don. Maps (1:100,000) showing the daily tactical disposition
of H.Gr. Don, Pz.AOK. 1 and. 4, and Armee-Abt. Fretter-Pico and Hollidt in the Don,
Donets, Rostov, Kalitva, Ssal, Derkul, Ssalsk, and Asov areas and. the steadily diminishing
territory held by the encircled 6th Army at Stalingrad, until captured or
destroyed by Tan 31, 1943.

Ia, Lage der Heeresgruppe Don—Sud. Maps (1:100,000) showing tactical disposition of
H.Gr. Don, Feb 1 - 13, 1943, H.Gr. Sud, Feb 14 - 28, 1943, Pz.AOK 1 and 4, Armee-Abt.
Fretter-Pico and. Hollidt, and Gruppe Kempf and Mieth in the Dnieper River area.