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Army Group Don T311 Roll 270
Группы Армий (Army Groups)

Группа армий "ДОН" (Heeresgruppe Don) - архивные  немецкие документы, немецкие карты.


Ia, Anlagenband 5 z. KTB. Orders and daily reports concerning the defense of and counterattacks along the Don, Donets, Volga, and Stalingrad fronts, tactical mission, ground
and air operations, transportation, march movements, order of battle, strength, and
supplying troops of H.Gr. Don, AOK 6, Pz.AOK 4, 3. u. 4. Rum. AOK, and Armee-Abt. Hollidt
units; also, enemy tactical operations and situation. Order changing Armeegruppe Hollidt
to Armee-Abteiluns Hollidt, Jan 1, 1943. Notes on H.Gr. Don chief of staff conference
pertaining to the defense of Rostov. Report on the destruction of the 4. Rum. AOK.
Dec 24, 1942 - Jan 3, 1943

Ia, Anlagenband 6 z. KTB. Orders and daily reports concerning the defense of and counterattacks along the Don, Donets-Rostov, and Stalingrad fronts, tactical mission, ground and air operations, commitments, transportation, march movements, combat readiness, losses, and air reconnaissance, and the destruction of railroad bridges by H.Gr. Don, AOK 6, Pz.AOK 4, Armee-Abt. Hollidt, and Luftflotte 4 units5 and enemy order of battle,
tactical mission, operations, and situation. Reports pertaining to air transportation
of supplies to "Fortress Stalingrad," and armored, antitank, and assault gun situations.
Also, combat reports of 7th and llth Rum. Div. and special directives for signal communication.
Jan 4 - 12, 1943.