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Army Group Don T311 Roll 269
Группы Армий (Army Groups)

Группа армий "ДОН" (Heeresgruppe Don) - архивные  немецкие документы, немецкие карты.


Ia, Anlagenband 4 z. KTB. Orders and daily reports concerning the defense of and counterattacks
along: the Tschir, Don, and Stalingrad fronts, ground and air operations,
transportation, march movements, order of battle, air reconnaissance, and supplying troops of
H.Gr. Don, AOK 6, Pz.AOK 4, 3. u. 4. Rum. AOK, Gr. Hollidt and Luftflotte 4
units; and enemy tactical mission, operations, and situation; and maps showing own
and enemy tactical disposition in the area southwest of Stalingrad. Reports pertaining
to the interrogation of Gen. Maj. Krupennikow Ivan Pavlowitsch, Chef d. Stabes d.
3. Gardearmee, and. other prisoners of war, regarding enemy tactical mission, operations,
and situation5 enemy order of battle, reserves, and losses5 and demolition charges, fuses,
and ignition devices used for demolition of bridges.
Dec 15 - 23, 1942.