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Army Group South T311 Roll 295
Группы Армий (Army Groups)

Группа Армий "ЮГ"(Heeresgruppe Süd) - архивные немецкие документы, немецкие карты.

Heeresgruppe Süd T311 Roll 295

Ia, Kriegstagebuch, Teil III, Band 2 Anlagen Nr. 291-369. Orders, reports, and teletype
messages relating to own and enemy tactical mission, operations, and situation in the
Tim, Kursk, and Stalino areas. Hitler's order pertaining to the conduct of battle in
the eastern campaign. Reports and orders on planning and preparations for the continuation
of operations in the spring of 1941/42. Information concerning the tactical situation
during the battle for Sevastopol, Dec 21 - 31, 1941.

Ia, Kriegstagebuch, Teil III, Band 3 Anlagen 370-482. Orders, reports, and teletype
messages pertaining to own and enemy tactical mission, operations, and situation
in the Mariupol, Kharkov, Kerch, and Kursk areas. Order of battle data covering
H.Gr. Sud units. Directives for securing of radio communication (under code name
"Toni"). Map showinp the location of H.Gr. Sud coastal artillery units in the
Simferopol, Nikolajev, and Odessa areas. Jan 1 - 15, 1942.

Ia, Kriegstagebuch, Teil III, Band 3 Anlagen Nr. 483-603. Orders, reports, and teletype
messages concerning operations and situation in the Isjum, Laski, Krassny,
Pavlograd, and Crimean areas. Appraisal of the combat readiness and strength of
divisions, and reports concerning defensive positions. Jan 16 - 31, 1942.

Ia, Kriegstagebuch, Teil III, Band 4 Anlagen Nr. 604-709. Orders, reports, and teletype
messages relating to operations and situation, order of battle, engineer
activities and coastal defense in the Belgorod, Kirovograd, Pavlovka, and Krasnoprad
areas and in the Crimea. Reports and orders on the organization and mission
of the transportation system and the resumption of the attack against Sevastopol.
Orders concerning regrouping and subordination of H.Gr. Sud/Luftwaffe units. Directives
pertaining to the rainy season and flood period, and appraisal of the supply
situation. Feb 1-18, 1942.