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Army Group Center Roll 226
Группы Армий (Army Groups)

Группа Армий "ЦЕНТР"(Heeresgruppe Mitte) - архивные немецкие документы, немецкие карты.

Army Group Center T311 Roll 226

Ia, Qu. 2, Anlage 1 z. KTB, Anlagen zum Entwurf zur Kriegsstarkenachweisung. Der Kommandierende
General der Sicherungstruppen und Befehlshaber im Heeresgebiet Mitte.
Wartime table of organization of the Commanding General of Security Troops and
Commander in Army Area Center and related correspondence. Mar 1942 - May 1943.

Ia/Stoart., Kriegstagebuch mit Anlagen. Daily reports of the Artillery Staff Officer
of Army Group Center, order of battle charts of artillery units of the 9th Army and
other subordinate units, and sketches and orders concerning the German attack across
the Bug River. Jun 22 - Jul 1, 1941.

Ia/Stoart., Kriegstagebuch mit Anlagen. Daily reports of the Artillery Staff Officer
and order of battle charts of artillery units of Army Group Center and the 2d and
9th Armies. Jul 2 - 31, 1941.

Ia/Stoart., Kriegstagebuch mit Anlagen. Daily reports and order of battle charts of
artillery units. Aug 4 - 31, 1941.

Ia/Stoart., Kriegstagebuch mit Anlagen. Daily reports of the Artillery Staff Officer
and order of battle charts of artillery units of Army Group Center and of subordinate
armies. Sep 2 - Oct 1, 1941.

Ia/Stoart., Kriegstagebuch mit Anlagen. Daily reports of the Artillery Staff Officer,
reports of interrogation of Russian prisoners of war and deserters, and order of
battle charts of artillery units of Army Group Center and of subordinate units.
Oct 1 - Nov 1, 1941.

Ia/Stoart., Kriegstagebuch mit Anlagen. Daily reports of the Artillery Staff Officer
and order of battle charts of artillery units of Army Group Center and the 9th Army.
Dec 8 - 31, 1941.

Ia/Stoart., Anlagen z. KTB 1941. Correspondence and teletype messages of artillery staff
officers of Army Groups Center and B and subordinate units, and reports concerning
the employment of railway-guns and the "Karl-Geschutz, " and transportation of ammunition
for Operation "Barbarossa." Apr 16 - Jul 1, 1941.

Ic, Bandenmeldungen. Reports and messages relating to the partisan situation in the
areas of Army Group Center, 2d, 4th, and 9th Armies, and 3d Panzer Army and to antipartisan
operations in the Klitshev, Mogilev, and Bobruisk areas. Aug - Dec 1943.