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Army Group Center Roll 209
Группы Армий (Army Groups)

Группа Армий "ЦЕНТР"(Heeresgruppe Mitte) - архивные немецкие документы, немецкие карты.

Army Group Center T311 Roll 209

Ia, Akte VII, Heft 3, Band B z. KTB Nr. 3 u. 4, Meldungen und Antrage der Armeen an die
H.Gr. in operativen und taktischen Angelegenheiten. Orders and reports relating to
the commitment and mission of H.Gr. B units, liaison service between Army and Air
Force, and amendments to plans for "Fall Gelb." Also, special directives for signal
communication. Apr 23 -- May 3, 1940.

la, Akte VII, Heft 1, Band A z. KTB Nr, 4, AOK 6 Befehle. Army Orders No. 1-16 on the
tactical land and air mission and operations of AOK 6 units in Belgium, Holland, and
northern France. Appraisals of the enemy situation, including map (1:500,000) showing
the tactical disposition of enemy forces in Belgium. Special directives for signal
communication, with sketch showing AOK 6 cominunications network. Reports concerning
assignments, march movements, and subordination of AOK 6 units before execution of
"Fall Gelb." Apr 2 - May 31, 1940.

Ic/A.O., Akte VII, Heft 1, Band B z. KTB Nr. 4, Sammelmeldungen; Lw.Kdo./Flivo. Aufklarungs
Auftrage und Frgebnisse. Daily Ic/A.O. and Flivo reports pertaining to
march movements, troop identification, tactical land and air operations, and
situation in Belgium, Holland, and northern France. May 10 - Jim 1940.

Ia, Ic/A.O., Lw.Kdo./Flivo., Akte VII, Heft 1, Band B z, KTB Nr. 4, Meldungen. Daily
Ic/A.O., and Flivo reports relating to enemy losses, movements, troop identification,
tactical operations, and situation in H.Gr. B sector; also, the capitulation
of the Belgian Army. Daily la reports and orders concerning tactical operations and
the encirclement of Dunkerque. May 10 - 31, 1940.

la, Akte VIII, Heft 3, Band A z, KTB Nr. 3 u. 4, Organisation Befehle des OKH. OKH orders
on the organization, reorganization, and redesignation of units and Kriegsstarkenachweisungen
of Army Group B. Apr 1 - May 27, 1940.