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Army Group Center Roll 204
Группы Армий (Army Groups)

Группа Армий "ЦЕНТР"(Heeresgruppe Mitte) - архивные немецкие документы, немецкие карты.

Army Group Center T311 Roll 204

la, Akte VII, Heft 2 z. KTB Nr. 2S Meldungen u. Antrage d. AOK 6 an H.Gr. B. Revised
orders for strategic troop concentration for the invasion of Holland and Belgium
("Aufmarschanweisung Gelb"). Jan 29 - Mar 31, 1940.

la, Akte VII, Heft 2 z. KTB Nr. 2, Operation "Gelb" d. 18. Armee. Order for strategic
troop concentration "Gelb" prepared by Headquarters, 18th Army. Feb 7, 1940.

la, Akte VII, Heft 1 z. KTB Nr. 1. Letters, reports, and teletype messages transmitted
from the 4th and 6th Armies to Army Group B concerning strategic troop
concentration for the invasion of Holland and Belgium, organisation and reorganisation
of units, moving of units into the assembly area, and results of aerial reconnaissance
over enemy territory. Oct 8 - Dec 19, 1939.

la, Akte VII, Heft 2, Band B z. KTB Nr. 2, Meldungen u. Antrage d. Armeen an die H.Gr. in
oper. u. takt. Angelegenheiten. Letters and teletype messages transmitted from the
4th, 6th, and 18th Armies to Army Group B; also, letters received by Armies from
lower echelons concerning strategic troop concentration for the invasion of Belgium
and Holland. Jan 2 - Mar 31, 1940,

la, Akte VIII, Heft 1, Band A z. KTB Nr. 1, Organisation, Befehle des OKH. Letters, teletype
messages, and directives transmitted from Army High Command, to Army Group B relating
to questions of organizatiion, troop movements, activation of 4th Infantry
Division, service regulations for military police, and military discipline.
Nov 11 - Dec 22, 1939.

la, Akte VIII, Heft 2, Band A z. KTB Nr. 2, Organisation, Befehle d. OKH. Directives,
teletype messages, and letters from. Army High Command to Army Group B concerning
organization; tables of organization and equipment; order of battle charts; and
directive concerning treatment of prisoners of war. Nov 3, 1939 - Mar 29, 1940.