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Army Group Center Roll 218
Группы Армий (Army Groups)

Группа армий "ЦЕНТР" (Heeresgruppe Mitte) - архивные документы.


Ia, Akte XXII, Heft 15 z. KTB, Bandenbekämpfung. Operations file containing a service
manual, "Instructions for the combating of partisans in the East"; a study entitled
"The Polish Resistance Movement"; directives and reports on the combating of partisans
in East Prussia and Poland; and maps indicating location of partisan units in the
Bialystok, Warsaw, Minsk, Vitebsk, Bobruisk, and Gomel areas
Jul 3 - Dec 19, 1944

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Ia, Anlagen z. KTB, Bandenmeldungen an OKH. Daily reports of partisan activity and
antipartisan action in the sectors of subordinate armies in White Russia and
Poland, submitted to Army High Command
May 31 - Jun 28, 1944

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Ia, Anlagen z. KTB, Gliederungen der Sicherungstruppen. Order of battle data covering
Security Troops (Sicherungstruppen) of Army Group Center and subordinate commands
Apr 1943 - May 1944

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Ia, Anlagen z. KTB, Heft 5, Sicherungstruppen. Teletype messages and correspondence between
Army Group Center, the Army High Command, and subordinate headquarters (2d
Army, 3d Panzer Army, 4-th and 9th Armies) concerning the activation, deactivation,
reorganization, and changes in subordinate status of security troops in Poland and White Russia
Jul 1 - Dec 31, 1944

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Ia, Anlagen z. KTB, Heft 2, Wintervorbereitungen. Directives on organizational changes
to be carried out by 2d, 4.th, and 9th Armies and 3d Panzer Army units in preparation
for winter warfare.
Oct 3 - Nov 22, 1944.

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Ia, Anlagen z. KTB, Sammelmappe flir Vorgange vor dem 1.7.4-4.. Reports on Operations
"Kormoran" and "Frühlingsfest"; teletype messages cbhcerning the transfer of units
to Army Group Center5 and maps (1:1,000,000) showing the location of fortifications
around Vitebsk, Sluzk, Pinsk, Bruisk, Orscha, Mogilev, Borisov, and Minsk in Belorussia
Aug 21, 1942 - Jun 30, 1944

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Ia, Anlagen z. KTB, Erfahrungs- und Gefechtsberichte. Experience and combat reports.
Map showing disposition of German forces.
Jul 17 - Dec 13, 1944.

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