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Army Group Center Roll 216
Группы Армий (Army Groups)

Группа армий "ЦЕНТР" (Heeresgruppe Mitte) - архивные документы.


Ia, Kriegstagebuchkarten, Russland. Maps (1:1,000,000) showing the tactical disposition
of own and enemy units in the Orel, Bryansk, Smolensk, Kholm, Nevel, and Kaluga areas.
Feb 17 - Aug 21, 1942

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Gen.Qu., Anlagen z. KTB Nr. 2, Aussenstelle OKH, Befehlsstelle Mitte. Correspondence
and studies of Aussenstelle OKH/Gen.Qu. concerning the refitting of units, transportation
of supplies, and other preparations for anticipated operations "Orkan,"
"Wirbelwind," and "Derfflingen."
Jul 1 - Aug 25, 1942

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O.Qu., Anlagen z. KTB Nr, 2, Kriegsrangliste, Verpflegungsstarke, Russland. Reports,
teletype messages, directives, charts, and maps relating to various phases of the
supply system of Army Group Center and to transportation and location of supplies of
subordinate units; officers' registry and ration strength report; and maps (1:1,000,
000) showing tactical disposition of own and enemy units in Army Group Center sector.
Aug 1 - Sep 10, 1942

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Ia, Aufmarschanweisung "Barbarossa." Strategic concentration directives.
Mar 12, 1941

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Gen.d.Pi., Tatigkeitsbericht der Pi. Schule d. H.Gr. Mitte. Daily activity reports of
Pi. Schule/H.Gr. Mitte, including a list of officers and civilian officials, a
casualty list, and a ration strength report.
Jun 25 - Aug 22, 1944

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Gen.d.Pi., Anlagenheft z. Tatigkeitsbericht, Pi. Schule d, H.Gr. Mitte. Correspondence,
directives, and reports of the Engineer School of Army Group Center concerning such
matters as organization, demolition of bridges, and building of field fortifications.
Jun 26 - Jul 22, 1944

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Ia, Akte VI, Heft 7 z. KTB, Meldungen und Antrage der Armeen. Reports, orders, correspondence,
and teletype messages relating to own and enemy tactical operations and
situation, to organizational changes and troop movements of H.Gr. Mitte in Poland, and
to requests for reinforcement by various units subordinate to 2d Army.
Jul 1 - Dec 31, 1944

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