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Army Group Nord T311 Roll 137
Группы Армий (Army Groups)

Группа Армий "СЕВЕР"(Heeresgruppe Nord) - архивные немецкие документы, немецкие карты.

Heeresgruppe Nord T311 Roll 137

Ia, Kriegstagebuch, Sep. 1 - 30, 1943.

Misc., Beobacntungokarten, Abwehrkarten und Organisationskarten. 25 maps (no scale), apparently
prepared by Army Group North. These maps appear be incomplete. Actually, these
items are map reproductions and seem to contain data concerning observations of enemy
situation, counterintelligence measures and disposition of German forces. Oct, 2 - 28,1944.

la, Anlagen z. KTB, Zeittafeln. Chronological account of the operations of Army Group
North, showing, on a day to day basis, the divisions assigned (grouped by Corps), and
own and enemy operations, Jan. - Dec. 1942.

Ia, Lagekarten of subordinate units of Heeresgruppe Nord. Jan. - Jnly 1944.

O.Qu., Photostat of Monatsbericht Jan, 1944 of Heeresgruppe Nord and other Heeresgruppen on
the Eastern front. (Mitte, Sud, A). Material on attitude of local populations, formation
of Wehrdorfer, plans for land distribution, etc. Jan. 1944.