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Army Group Nord T311 Roll 132
Группы Армий (Army Groups)

Группа Армий "СЕВЕР"(Heeresgruppe Nord) - архивные немецкие документы, немецкие карты.

Heeresgruppe Nord T311 Roll 132

Ia, Lagebericht des Ob.Bfh.d.H.Gr. Nord, Generaloberst Schoerner, Report made by General
Schoerner to the Fuhrer relative to the critical situation and condition of the German
Army in the East. Aug. 6, 1944.

Ic, Tatigkeitsberichte, 1. Ausfert. Information relative to intelligence activities during
the first days of the War in the East. June 22 - July 21, 1941.

IVa, Bestrafungen. Cases of disciplinary punishment, Strafversetzung, court martial.
Nov. 27, 1942 - May 23, 1944.

Ia, Geschichte Feldzug Russland. Chronological account of the activities of Army Group
North during the period June 22 to July 28, 1941, dealing with the start of the Eastern
campaign and the advance into the Wolchow Region. Includes maps (1:300,000). Also Anhang:
Der Einsatz der am Voraus-Regt, des I.AK. gehorigen Truppen in cler Zeit 27.6. bis 1.7.1941
(Einnahme von Riga), etc. June - Dec. 1941.

IIa, H.Gr.Kdo. 2, Besondere Berichte, Beforderungs Vorschriften. Personliche Angelegenheiten,
Gesellschaftlicher Verkehr. Jahresberichte der Hauptstelle der Wehrmacht fur Psychologie
und Rassenkunde und der Psychogischen Prufstellen der Wehrmacht June 1937 and 1939,
personnel matters, Beurteilungen, proof of Aryan descent, divorce and separation, discipline.
Jan. 9, 1937 - July 15, 1939.