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Army Group Nord T311 Roll 121
Группы Армий (Army Groups)

Группа Армий "СЕВЕР"(Heeresgruppe Nord) - архивные немецкие документы, немецкие карты.

Heeresgruppe Nord T311 Roll 121

Ia/F. , H. Gr . Kdo. 2, H.Gr . C. Stellungsausbau Nachrichtennetz . Westwall.
Maps and charts included. Jan. 21, 1939 - June 7, 1940.

la, H. Gr.Kdo. 2. Akte: Festungen. Orders and plans pertaining to the construction of the
Westwall. Artillery practice. Supply of munitions and equipment. April 1, 1938 - Aug. 7, 1939.

Ia/F/Art. H.Gr.Kdo. 2. Organisation und Dienstbetrieb der Artillerie. Artillery Dienstanweisungen,
Geschaftsverteilungsplan der Inspection der Artillerie, April 1938.
Feb. 1, 1938 - June 30, 1939.

Ia/F., H.Gr. Kdo. 2, Ausbau der Landesbefestigung Limes. "Limes" was the designation for
the fortification of the Westwall. Artillery fortifications, Truppenubungen, practice
firing, Gliederung der Artillerie, Versorgung, Inspection, other directives.
Now. 28, 1938 - May 24, 1939

Ia/F. , H.Gr.Kdo. 2, Westbefestigungsausbau. Stellungs-Artillerie, Truppenubungen, Nachrichtenverbindungen,
equipment, Ausbaubefehl 1939. June 15 - July 24, 1939.

Ia, H.Gr. Kdo. 2, Anlapenband "Limes - Aachen." "Limes" was the designation for the fortification
of the Westwall. Construction of fortifications in the Aachen area. Map included.
May 11 - Dec, 22, 1938

Ia, H.Gr.Kdo, 2, Anlagenband II "Limes, Aachen." "Limes" - Westwall fortifications . 1938.

Ia, H.Gr.Kdo. 2, "Limes" Trier. Dazu Anlagenband au "Limes 11.2." Westwall fortifications
in the Trier area. Construction, Arbeitseinsatz, weapons and equinment, directives and
description. Several map3 included. Anlagen in following volume. June - Oct. 1938.

Ia, H.Gr.Kdo, 2, Anlagenband II "Limes, Trier." "Limes" - Westwall fortifications. Sep. 1938

Ia, H.Gr. Kdo. 2, "Limes" Pfalz. Dazu Anlagenband zu "Limes II." Westwall fortifications in
the Saarbrucken - Zweibrucken - Kaisesslautern area. Directives, Arbeitseinsatz, Numerous
maps included. June 1938 - Jan. 1939.