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Army Group Nord T311 Roll 116
Группы Армий (Army Groups)

Группа Армий "СЕВЕР"(Heeresgruppe Nord) - архивные немецкие документы, немецкие карты.

Heeresgruppe Nord T311 Roll 116

IVa, Verpflegungsstarken, Band 6, Continuation of Doc. No. 75133/29. Includes orders pertafning
to evacuation of military and civilian personnel and property. May - Oct, 1943.

IVe, Versorgungsbezirk Nord, Verpflegung ausland. Arbeiter und Angestellten. Information
relative to quartering, rationing, and equipping of foreign workers and employees.
Russian campaign. May 15 - Oct. 6, 1941.

Ib, Besondere Anordnungen fur Verpflegung und Bekleidung ausland. Arbeiter u. Angestellten.
Information relative to food and clothes of foreign laborers and employees under German
supervision. Russian campaign. Sep. 14. - Dec. 9, I.941.

Ib, Verpflegung russischer Arbeiter und Angestellter. Information relative to food and
clothing allowances of foreign laborers and employees under Gernan supervision.
Russien campaign. Jan. 3 - Oct, 17, 1942.

Ib, Verpflegung. Information relative to storage of potatoes, cabbage, and other vegetables,
pilferage of edible good on trains, exploitation of the land and other matters in connection
with food supplies. Sep. 30 - Dec. 9, 1941.

Ib, Schriftwechsel-Verpflegung. Corresrnordence relative to sunply of butter, meats, fish,
manufacturing of canned meat, transportation of food and various other matters in connection
with rationing of troops. Russian campaign. Jan. 5 - July 25, 1942.

Ib, Schriftwechsel: Verpflegung, Correspondence relative to food allowances in the German
Army. Russian campaign. Aug. 13 - Nov. 5, 1942.

Ib, Schriftwechsel, Allgemeines. Information relative to general transportation, rationing,
and laborer questions. Russian campaign.. April 28 - Oct. 29, 1942.

IVa, Verpflegungsstarken. Ration strength reports, rnessages, and correpondence pertaining
to armed forces personnel (Army and Air Force), civilian personnel (German and non-German) . Oct. 1943 - Feb. 1944.

IVa, Verpflegungsstarken. Continuation of Document No. 75133/38. Feb. - June 1944.

Ib, Vieh-Nachschub. Information relative to supply and transportation of live stock to
the front. Russian campaign. April 10 - Aug. 28, 1942.