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Army Group Nord T311 Roll 115
Группы Армий (Army Groups)

Группа Армий "СЕВЕР"(Heeresgruppe Nord) - архивные немецкие документы, немецкие карты.

Heeresgruppe Nord T311 Roll 115

Ib, Richtlinien fur russische Evakuierte. Informaion about quartering, food, fuel, clothing,
welfare, medical care, schooling, eligibility for work of evacuated civilians and Germans.
Russian campaign. May 1943 - March 1944.

Ib/Ic, Propaganda in die russische Zivilbevölkerung. Information abont German propaganda among
Russian civilians. Russian campaign. April - Sep. 1943.

Ib, Schulverwaltung im besetzten Russland, Information relative to the administration and
program of German schools activated in occupied Rusaia. Dec. 23, 1942 - July 25, 1944.

IVa, Verpflegungsstarken, Band 1. Ration strength reports and messages pertaining to armed
forces personnel (Army and Air Force), civilian personnel (German and non-German). Jan. - Nov. 1942

IVa, Verpflegungsstarken, Band 2. Ration strength reports, messages, and correspondence
pertaining to armed forces personnel (Amy and Air Force), civilian personnel (German
and non-German) , Jan - April 1943.

IVa, Verpflegungsstarken, Band 3. Continuation of Doc. No. 75133/26. Included are statistics
on food supplies on hand as of 1 May 1943, and estimated supply requirements for a 1-year
period.. March - Nov. 1943.

IVa, Verpflegungsstarken, Band 4. Directives, messages, and correspondence pertaining to
supply matters. Also a list showing number of trains required for movements of supnlies
for a 4-week perlod. April - June 1943.

IVa, Verpflegungsstarken, Band 5. Crders, directives, messages, and correspondence relating
to the supply situation, ration strength and stockpiling of food supplies and
forage, April. - Aug. 1943.