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Army Group Nord T311 Roll 106
Группы Армий (Army Groups)

Группа Армий "СЕВЕР"(Heeresgruppe Nord) - архивные немецкие документы, немецкие карты.

Heeresgruppe Nord T311 Roll 106

p>IIa, Namentliche Verlustlisten der H.Gr.Nord. Complete lists of officers killed in action,
submitted by 16th, 18th Armies and Armored Group 4, giving dates of death, ranks, names,
assignments, and units. Russian campaign. June 22 - Sep. 30, 1941.

IIa, Namentliche Verlustlisten der H.Gr.Nord. Complete lists of officers killed in action,
submitted by 16th, 18th Armies, and Communication Zone, giving dates of death, ranks,
names, assignments, and units. Russian campaign. Oct. 1, 1941 - March 15, 1942.

IIa, Namentliche Verlustlisten. Complete lists of officers killed in action, submitted by
16th and 18th Armies, giving dates of death, ranks, names, assignments, and units.
Russian campaign. Nov. 21, 1942 - Aug. 31, 1943.

IIa, Verlustlisten AOK 16. Complete lists of battle casualties of the 16th Army. Lists
are divided into officers and enlisted men, giving only names of officers, and differentiating
between killed, wounded, and missing. Russian campaign. June 22 - Nov. 30, 1941.