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Army Group Nord T311 Roll 80
Группы Армий (Army Groups)

Группа Армий "СЕВЕР"(Heeresgruppe Nord) - архивные немецкие документы, немецкие карты.

Heeresgruppe Nord T311 Roll 80

Ia/Na.Fu., Daily reports dealing with activities in connection with enemy and own operations.
April 1 - June 30, 1944.

Ia/Stoart, Tatigkeitsbericht. Also included are charts showing the entire artillery distribution
of Army Group North from November 1943 to June 1944. Jan. 1 - Dec. 31, 1942.

General der Pioniere, Tatigkeitsberichte. Daily reports dealing with activities in connection
with enemy and own operations. Jan. 1 - Dec. 31, 1942.

General der Pioniere, Anlagen z , Tetigkeitsbericht fur Januar 1942. Reports pertaining to
engineer activities and maps (1:1.000.000) showing the tactical engineer groupings as of
January 1942. - Russian campaign.

General der Pioniere, Anlagen z . Tatigkeitsbericht fur April 1942. Inspection trip reports
about crossing of the Lowat by 16th Army and X Corps, map (1:1.000,000) showing shelters
for brigade construction staffs, and various other inspection reports pertaining to
condition of roads, tactical engineer grounings, examination of field fortifications
and supply routes. April 1942.

General der Pioniere, Reports pertaining to fortifications in Luga and Dno areas, use of
light spigot mortar, organization and activities of bridge construction units, inspection
of engineer schools in Kamenka and Porchow; also included maps, scale
1:1.000,000, indicating all usable roads and railways. July - Sept. 1942.

General der Pioniere, Anlagen z. Tatigkeitsbericht Okt. bis Nov. 1942. Reports pertaining
to examination of fortifications in I Corps, XXVI Corps, 16th Army, and Group Brandenberger
areas, servicing of roads during the winter, proposal of use of mines during
the winter as antitank weapons, and other matters - Russian campaign. Oct. - Nov. 1942.

IIa, Pioniergliederungen der H.Gr. Nord, Charts showing personnel strength of all engineer
units assigned to Army Group North - Russian campaign. June 17, 1941 - Dec. 1, 1942.

General der Pioniere, Heeresgruppenbefehle, Band I. Orders issued by Army Group Headquarters
pertaining to general and engineer activities in connection with enemy and own operation
with enemy and own operations - Russian campaign. June 26, 1941 - Aug. 14, 1942.

General der Pioniere, Heeresgruppenbefehle, Band 11. Orders issued by Army Group Headquarters
pertaining to general and engineer activities in connection with enemy and
own operations - Russian campaign. Dec, 12, 1942 - June 2, 1943.