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Army Group Nord Roll 51
Группы Армий (Army Groups)

Группа армий "СЕВЕР" (NORD) - архивные документы.


Ia, Unternehmen Baltische Inseln "Beowulf" - "Siegfried." Folder containins plans, reports,
studies, correspondence, charts and maps 1:150 000, relating to the forthcoming
landing operation "Beowulf" and "Siegfried." Detailed information on Russian
strong points in the Baltic Sea,
April 29 - July 7, 1941

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Ia., Unternehmen Baltische Inseln "Beowulf" - "Siegfried." Continuation of preceding document,
TWX messages, operational reports, correspondence and map (n.s.) relating
to operation "Beowulf" and Reports on enemy and own combat activities,
detailed information on Russian and German personnel and material losses.
Sep. 10 - Oct. 23, 1941

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Ia, Unternehmen Baltische Inseln "Beowulf" - "Siegfried" Nr. 4. Continuation of Doc. no.
14985/36. Folder containing historical reports, correspondence, overlays, maps and
charts, giving detailed information on the success of the oneration "Beowulf" and
"Siegfried," combat experiences, assault landing and capture of Khiwna Island (Estonia),
coordlination between Army, Navy, and Airforce.
Oct. 8 - Nov. 4, 1941.

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Ia, O.B., Kriegs-Gliederungen I. Records giving detailed information on tactical
grouping for plan "Barbarossa."
March 31 - July 14, 1941

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Ia, O.B., Kriegs-Gliederungen 2. Combat formations reports of the 16th and 18th Army,
and the 3rd and 4th Armored Group.
July 15, 1941 - Jan. 1, 1942

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Ia, Lagebeurteilungen Nr. 1. Reports, correspondence, directives and charts describing
enemy and own situation, combat activities and plans in connection with the siege
of Leningrad.
July 15 - Nov. 24, 1941

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Ia, Besprechungs- und Vortragsnotizen Nr. 2. Operation reports, directives, telegram
messages, and memos describing enemy and own situation in the vicinity of Wolchow
and Leningrad.
Sep. 19, 1941 - Jan, 12, 1942

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